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08 January 2024

How Builders Sneak Variations into Your Project

Navigating variations in school construction and the role of the school builder and AISNSW BGA grants.

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The Role of the School Builder and AISNSW BGA Grants

Understanding how builders might introduce variations is crucial when embarking on a school construction project, especially when working with a school builder or managing a project funded by a BGA Grant. This resource delves into the common ways variations can occur and how to manage them effectively.

What is a Variation?

In the context of school building and design, a 'variation' refers to any change from what has been agreed upon in the construction contract. This is critical when working with school builders and managing BGA Grant-funded projects.

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Five Methods Builders Use to Sneak in Variations

  1. Lack of Detail in Design Documentation: A school builder might use vague design documents to justify variations, which could impact the overall project budget and affect the commercial viability of the BGA Grant-Funded Project. Therefore, precise and detailed designs are essential.

  2. Poor Project Estimation: Builders may underestimate project costs, leading to additional scope and increased expenses. Choosing a school builder with a strong estimating team can mitigate this risk.

  3. Lack of Due Diligence: Failing to confirm the availability of specified materials or products can lead to unplanned variations. This is particularly important for school projects with specific material requirements.

  4. Exceeding Scope of Works: Some builders might add extra work, claiming it was always part of the contract. This can be a significant issue in school construction, where budget adherence is crucial.

  5. Adding Variations During Construction: Unmonitored builders may introduce changes during the build phase, especially in large projects like those often seen in AISNSW school constructions.

How to Avoid Variations in Your Next Project

Design and Construction or Early Engagement Method

This approach is beneficial for managing AISNSW school builder projects. The design and construction firm comprehensively understands the project, reducing the likelihood of unapproved variations.

Fixed-Price Contracts

Signing a fixed-price contract with your school builder can help control costs, especially when managing a BGA Grant budget.

Understanding the Project Scope

Ensure that all parties, including the builder, fully understand the project scope and agreed costs. This is particularly important in school construction projects requiring compliance with AISNSW BGA Grant terms.

Reducing and managing variations is vital to working with an AISNSW school builder and successfully executing a project funded by a BGA Grant. You can significantly reduce the risk of costly and time-consuming variations by ensuring detailed contracts and explicit project scopes and choosing experienced builders.

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Coverite Projects – About Us

We are a team of Architects, Interior Designers, and draftsmen collaborating with Estimators, Builders, and tradespersons who Specialise in the Design and Construction of Inspiring Environments that enrich the quality of life of those who inhabit the Education, Aged Care, and Hospitality Sectors.

Our mission is to build lasting relationships with clients by consistently exceeding expectations and maximising outcomes within their budgets.


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