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We are ready to help.

SYDNEY           (02) 8311 1015

NEWCASTLE   (02) 4036 3562

BRISBANE       (07) 3497 6814 

MELBOURNE  (03) 7037 1242 

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Contact Us

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Have a project in mind or a question for our team? Reach out, and let’s turn
your vision into reality. We look forward to hearing from you.

Join our team

Are you highly skilled in your team? Looking for a new and innovative work opportunity? We’re always interested in hearing from the industry’s leading talents. Whether you have decades of experience, or an eager up-and-comer,  you could be the perfect Coverite Projects fit.  

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We are a collective network of highly skilled individuals who are excited and motivated to bring their talents into a collaborative effort to find the best solutions and outcomes for clients. If you’d like to be part of it, find out how to join Coverite Projects.


People and Culture

Coverite is dedicated to nurturing and supporting our incredible team so that they feel empowered to grow with the company, and individually, in ways most meaningful to them.

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