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20 May 2024

Construction Tenders: The Cost of Low Bids

Let's look at how cutting corners on costs can lead to bigger problems down the line and how we can avoid this common trap. Continue reading to learn more!

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When it comes to building and construction, everyone wants a good deal. But in the tough game of construction tenders, going for the cheapest offer might end up costing you more than you bargained for. It's like choosing the lowest-priced toy—it might break much sooner than a slightly pricier but better-made one. In the construction world, picking the lowest bid often leads builders to skip important steps or use lower-quality materials to keep their costs down.

This doesn't just affect the builders; it's a big problem for the clients, too. Imagine moving into a new building only to find problems like leaks or cracks a few months later, simply because the construction was rushed or materials needed to be better. This means more money, time, and stress spent on fixes that shouldn't have been necessary in the first place. There's a better way to handle this. By focusing on fair, honest pricing that covers all necessary costs, we ensure high-quality results that stand the test of time without any nasty surprises.

Let's look at how cutting corners on costs can lead to bigger problems down the line and how we can avoid this common trap.

The Pitfalls of Price-Focused Construction Bidding

When a building project kicks off with a focus solely on who can give the lowest price, we often see a race to the bottom that isn’t good for anyone involved—especially not for the client. In trying to submit the lowest bid, builders might leave out critical project details or underestimate how much resources and time the project will actually need. This means they are under pressure from the get-go, which can lead them to cut corners once the job starts.

This shortcut approach can mean using cheaper materials that might not last or rushing through tasks that need care and attention. Imagine trying to complete a puzzle as quickly as possible with half the pieces missing—it simply won’t end well. The result for clients? A final product that might look okay on day one but shows its flaws soon after. The doors might jam, the roofs could leak, and in no time at all, you could have major problems on your hands, leading to the hassle and cost of repairs much sooner than expected.

How Low Bids Can Lead to High Costs for Clients

Choosing the lowest bid might seem like a good idea at the start because it’s less money to pay upfront. However, it can turn out to be more expensive in the long run. When builders feel squeezed by their own low bid, they might have to make tough choices about where to spend their limited funds. Often, they may resort to less-than-ideal solutions like substituting materials for cheaper ones, paring back staff, or simplifying designs that were meant to be more complex.

These compromises can pile up, leading to a domino effect of issues and costs. For the client, what started as an exciting cost-saving win becomes a marathon of dealing with problems—things breaking down, not working as they should, or looking how they were expected to look. It’s not just about the immediate costs of fixing issues; it’s also about the time and stress involved in dealing with ongoing problems. This situation can strain relationships and sometimes ends with legal battles over who is responsible for the ballooning costs and unfinished or faulty work.

Each of these outcomes underscores why focusing merely on the lowest bid isn’t just a risk—it’s often a false economy.

Strategies to Ensure Quality in Construction Tenders

To break the cycle of low bids leading to poor building outcomes, we actively implement strategies that ensure quality remains at the forefront of every tender we submit. First, we establish clear, comprehensive project scopes that detail all aspects of the construction process. This prevents misunderstandings or overlooked elements during the bidding phase and sets a realistic expectation for costs and timelines. Secondly, we engage in transparent communication with our clients from the outset, making sure they understand the value of spending slightly more for significantly better quality and fewer headaches down the track.

We also emphasise the importance of selecting skilled and experienced tradespeople for our projects. By investing in quality craftsmanship, we not only enhance the structural integrity of the build but also the finer details that make a property standout. Regular training sessions keep our team updated on the latest construction techniques and materials, which they apply to ensure durability and adherence to safety standards. These proactive measures guarantee that our bids are competitive without compromising on the quality that clients expect and deserve.

Why Honest Costing Benefits Both Builder and Client

Adopting a policy of honest costing sets a solid foundation for trust between us and our clients. When we prepare a bid, we ensure every cost component is justified and transparent, explaining why each expense is necessary for delivering a high-quality finish. This straightforward approach prevents surprises during the construction phase and builds client confidence, as they understand exactly what they are paying for and why.

This not only protects the client's investment but also safeguards our reputation as a builder. By avoiding the pitfalls of underquoting, we prevent the need for uncomfortable conversations about budget blowouts and extra costs down the line. Our clients appreciate the upfront honesty, leading to more satisfied customers and often repeat business or referrals. From the initial bid to handing over the keys, honest costing helps ensure the construction process is smooth, within budget, and on schedule, reflecting well on our integrity and reliability as a builder.


In the construction industry, cutting corners to submit the lowest tender can do more harm than good. It is essential to balance competitive bidding with realistic cost assessments and quality guarantees. At Coverite Projects, we pride ourselves on our commitment to honest and transparent practices throughout the tendering and construction processes. By ensuring detailed project scopes, clear communication, excellent craftsmanship, and justified costing, we protect our clients' interests and our integrity.

If you're looking to build with confidence and want a partner who values quality as much as you do, reach out to us at Coverite Projects. Let's make your next construction project a benchmark for excellence in the industry with our professional builders.
